Number of Boys, Men and Dads Served


Number of Service Hours Delivered


Number of Volunteers


Number of Years in Services

Supporting father involvement and serving  boys, young men, men, and fathers to develop and nurture healthy social and emotional qualities for a productive adulthood.

“Father is someone you look up to, no matter how tall you grow.” Author unknown

Celebrating Father's Day: Honoring the True Heroes in Our Lives

Father's Day is a special occasion that allows us to celebrate and honor the significant role that fathers and father figures can play in our lives. It is a time to express our gratitude for those fathers who provide their unwavering support, love, and guidance to those around them. The importance of fathers and the profound impact that have in shaping our lives is fundamental in enriching our families and our communities.

A Pillar of Strength and Support:

Fathers are often the pillars of strength and support within our families. They can offer a steady hand and a comforting presence during times of difficulty or uncertainty. Whether it's a listening ear, words of encouragement, or a shoulder to lean on, fathers often provide invaluable emotional support that helps us navigate life's challenges with resilience.

Leading by Example:

Father figures can serve as role models, imparting valuable life lessons through their actions. From teaching us the importance of integrity, hard work, and perseverance to demonstrating acts of kindness and compassion, fathers can shape our moral compass. A father's consistent guidance can help instill the values that become the foundation of our character.

Creating Lasting Memories:

Father's Day is an opportunity to reminisce about the cherished memories we have shared with our dads. From playful moments in the park to deep conversations over a cup of coffee, these experiences can create bonds that last a lifetime. Fathers often contribute to some of our most treasured memories, reminding us of the importance of quality time and creating strong familial connections.

Unconditional Love:

Fathers are capable of loving us unconditionally and accepting us for who we are, flaws and all. Their love can provide us with a sense of security and belonging, nurturing our self-esteem and confidence. Through their affectionate gestures and unwavering support, fathers can teach us the value of love and show us how to love others in return.

Balancing Act:

Modern fatherhood encompasses a beautiful balance between work and family life. Many fathers excel at juggling their professional responsibilities while actively participating in the upbringing of their children. A father’s commitment to being present and engaged in both realms sets a powerful example, highlighting the significance of nurturing family bonds alongside personal growth.

Parting Thoughts:

Father's Day is a time to express our gratitude and appreciation for the remarkable fathers and father figures in our lives. Their love, support, and guidance shape us into the individuals we become. On this special day, let's take a moment to honor and celebrate these true heroes who have played an instrumental role in shaping our lives. Whether through heartfelt words, meaningful gestures, or spending quality time together, let's make Father's Day a truly memorable occasion for the extraordinary men who have enriched our lives with their love.

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads out there!

“Padre es alguien a quien admiras, no importa cuán alto crezcas”. Autor desconocido

Celebrando el Día del Padre: Honrando a los Verdaderos Héroes en Nuestras Vidas

El Día del Padre es una ocasión especial que nos permite celebrar y honrar el importante papel que los padres y las figuras paternas pueden desempeñar en nuestras vidas. Es un momento para expresar nuestra gratitud por aquellos padres que brindan su apoyo, amor y guía inquebrantables a quienes los rodean. La importancia de los padres y el profundo impacto que tienen en moldear nuestras vidas es fundamental para enriquecer a nuestras familias y nuestras comunidades.

Un pilar de fuerza y apoyo:

Los padres son a menudo los pilares de fortaleza y apoyo dentro de nuestras familias. Pueden ofrecer una mano firme y una presencia reconfortante en momentos de dificultad o incertidumbre. Ya sea un oído atento, palabras de aliento o un hombro en el que apoyarse, los padres a menudo brindan un apoyo emocional invaluable que nos ayuda a enfrentar los desafíos de la vida con resiliencia.

Predicar con el ejemplo:

Las figuras paternas pueden servir como modelos a seguir, impartiendo valiosas lecciones de vida a través de sus acciones. Desde enseñarnos la importancia de la integridad, el trabajo arduo y la perseverancia hasta demostrar actos de bondad y compasión, los padres pueden dar forma a nuestra brújula moral. La guía constante de un padre puede ayudar a inculcar los valores que se convierten en la base de nuestro carácter.

Creando recuerdos duraderos:

El Día del Padre es una oportunidad para recordar los preciados recuerdos que hemos compartido con nuestros papás. Desde momentos de diversión en el parque hasta conversaciones profundas con una taza de café, estas experiencias pueden crear lazos que durarán toda la vida. Los padres a menudo contribuyen a algunos de nuestros recuerdos más preciados, recordándonos la importancia del tiempo de calidad y creando fuertes conexiones familiares.

Amor incondicional:

Los padres son capaces de amarnos incondicionalmente y aceptarnos por lo que somos, con defectos y todo. Su amor puede brindarnos un sentido de seguridad y pertenencia, nutriendo nuestra autoestima y confianza. A través de sus gestos afectuosos y su apoyo inquebrantable, los padres pueden enseñarnos el valor del amor y mostrarnos cómo amar a los demás a cambio.

Acto de equilibrio:

La paternidad moderna abarca un hermoso equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida familiar. Muchos padres se destacan por hacer malabarismos con sus responsabilidades profesionales mientras participan activamente en la crianza de sus hijos. El compromiso de un padre de estar presente y comprometido en ambos ámbitos establece un poderoso ejemplo, destacando la importancia de fomentar los lazos familiares junto con el crecimiento personal.

Pensamientos de despedida:

El Día del Padre es un momento para expresar nuestra gratitud y aprecio por los extraordinarios padres y figuras paternas en nuestras vidas. Su amor, apoyo y guía nos convierten en las personas en las que nos convertimos. En este día especial, tomemos un momento para honrar y celebrar a estos verdaderos héroes que han desempeñado un papel fundamental en la configuración de nuestras vidas. Ya sea a través de palabras sinceras, gestos significativos o pasando tiempo de calidad juntos, hagamos del Día del Padre una ocasión verdaderamente memorable para los hombres extraordinarios que han enriquecido nuestras vidas con su amor.

¡Feliz Día del Padre a todos los papás increíbles!

SAVE the DATE    Fri. Oct. 27 2023  4th Annual MENtors Boys, Men, and Dads Conference

Countdown finished!

In the past thirty-six months, COVID-19 has challenged parents, students, and educators with a new paradigm and reality regarding the remote working environment, childcare, distance learning, and work and family life balance. This new reality has fundamentally expanded the parental role from a provider to a part-time child care worker, part-time educator, and still a full-time provider. Now more than ever, we need to support dads, moms, and their children and students in this unprecedented time of COVID-19 and recent local wildfires. Here is the conference flyer to share with families.

Watch the recording of the 2020 conference here

MENtors:          Driving 
Change for 
Boys, Men & Dads

Serving and supporting boys, young men, men, and fathers to develop and nurture healthy social and emotional qualities for a productive adulthood.


Check out our page on Lookout Santa Cruz 

 Newsletter 20/22          November 2020                           January 2021                                 March 2021                                   June 2021

        One-page              MENtors info.     Click here to download            Your Age-by-Age           Guide to Talking About Race          Click here 

Probation Success Center (PSC)      Click here

Our Vision and Mission

We believe that boys, men and fathers can have a healthier social and emotional development that enriches their awareness, engagement and connection, while building lasting relationships with themselves, their families and our community.

MENtors is committed to supporting and driving sustainable change for boys, men and dads in reaching their full potential as healthy members of their families and communities. MENtors is dedicated to enabling boys, men and dads to overcome bias and barriers and promote awareness, education, support, and empowerment to fulfill their dreams and ambitions.

Our Focus

We support and nurture boys, young men, men, dads and their communities to break the cycle of unhealthy masculinity and absent fatherhood by empowering men of all ages to dream, aspire and achieve.


Teaching  and supporting boys in discovery and journey from boyhood to manhood with guidance, coaching and mentorship.


Support men in their journey through manhood and couples relationship by developing a healthy masculinity


Supporting father involvement and co-parenting for the well-being of children

We are currently hosting Boys and Dads groups  via Zoom due to COVID 19.                                    For more information click below to Contact us for our Zoom groups

Boys and Young Men groups

By the end of this group, you'll have the awareness, knowledge, skills and tools to thrive as boy or young men

Men's group

coming soon

By the end of this group, you'll have the confidence and ability to nurture and support thrive relationship

Fatherhood and          Co-parenting groups

By the end of this group, you'll have the awareness, skills and support to thrive in parent-child and Co-Parenting relationships.

Take Action

Volunteer your energy, talents and resources to bring inspiration and hope to those who need it. 

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